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Questions? -GENERAL-
Yes! The current versions of Chip and Walter and Time Trouble are reboots of older comics I drew starting around ’00-’01. Their online life began as class assignments for school and wound up becoming something more. The original comics ran for over 150 strips (300+ combined if you count the EX strips). I stopped working on them when I got hired to draw the Sonic the Hedgehog comic for Archie, my first professional gig.
Because during the year I teach Principles of Cartooning at the School of Visual Arts and I also freelance for IDW Publishing doing translations, localizations and cover art for Disney Comics. I’d love to have the stability to do this full time but realistically, I’m not at that point yet. That’s what the Patreon is for. 😉
All that info is available on the FAQ page for my main website since that’s where the majority of my contract work is discussed.
Yes and no. When I did those old comics I was terribly inexperienced. I feel the same way about my earliest Sonic comics. To be honest, outside of a few strips that people remember fondly, I kind of hate to look at them. I didn’t feel they were a good representation of what I could do. So, after a lot of thought, I took them down and never put them back up. Ultimately, the old strips will be on my Patreon, where I’ll use them as updates in conjunction with current updates/storylines to compare/contrast/talk about my process. At least that way, they’ll still get mileage and serve a purpose for people who really and truly want to see them again.
Quite a bit.
For Chip and Walter, the story is roughly the same up to a point – the biggest additions being Violet, who wasn’t in the old strips (but who was another brother -?!?!- in the material that existed before its original online inception!) and the introduction of very important characters who came later or I never got to early on.
For Time Trouble, the story is WILDLY different with similar beats and a few name changes. For one, all three generations will get equal focus and tie into each other to tell one large story, whereas before, it was just Generation Two with snippets of Zero and hints of One.
The goal for the reboot is to slow down the erratic, often-nonsensical lightning pace of the old version and let the story breathe/tell itself more naturally. Less forced gags, interruptions, more focus on getting to know the characters, blah blah blah. Hopefully, I will have achieved that in the end.
Not at all.
Chip and Walter and Time Trouble will always remain totally independent of each other in terms of their specific story lines.
HOWEVER… there is an overarching story that will ultimately link the two. But that’ll take some time to get to. 😉
Questions? -CNW Specific-
Bald eagles. (I used to get this question all the time…)
It’s an old school doctor’s headlamp. Look it up!
Questions? -Commenting on Comics-
Nothing fancy here, but I do have comments on an approval system which means “first” or “test” posts are a quick and easy way to guarantee that you won’t be allowed to post again. Hopefully I won’t have to update this part of the FAQ anymore than I have to. 😛